Maintaining a garden can be a wonderful experience. After all, it allows you a chance to get out-of-doors and it adds to the appearance of the surrounding landscape. However, there are ways to make your garden even more attractive, and one of the best is by transforming it into a butterfly garden. As the name suggests, a butterfly garden is an arrangement of plants that are specifically designed to attract butterflies and caterpillars.
Here is how to design and plant the perfect butterfly garden.
Planning the Garden
With a butterfly garden, one of the first things to do is to ensure that it’ll attract both adult butterflies and also those that are still in caterpillar form. By attracting both adults and their youngsters you will help to increase the number of butterflies that visit the garden throughout the season. This means that come mid-summer you should have your very own butterfly haven in your garden. The best way to keep butterflies in the garden is by planting flowers that will provide the adults with adequate amounts of food while allowing a place for caterpillars to grow. Of course, the adults can fend for themselves, but the caterpillars need more assistance. In fact, plants with wide leaves make for better nurseries for caterpillars than those with slim leaves, as there is more room to grow. When you are planning the butterfly garden, be sure that you make adequate room for the various plant species that will be required.
Flower Arrangements
One of the most important aspects of designing a butterfly garden is the arrangement of the flowers that will fill the garden. You’ll need to make sure that the flowers are creating color all season long so that there will be a continuous attraction for the butterflies. To accomplish this, it is best to plant a variety of flowers that bloom at different times during the spring and summer months in New Jersey. There are literally thousands of flower types on the market, so it can be difficult to figure out which pattern is best for your region. However, one surefire way to keep flowers blooming at all times is by planting annuals. Some of the most popular species of annuals for butterfly gardens are marigolds and Mexican sunflowers. It’s also wise to include perennials like bee balm and garden phlox, as these will go a long way in diversifying your garden. If you are unsure as to which flower arrangement to use, contact Homeowners Hub and we will be glad to help.
Garden Location
As with any garden, it’s vital that you find the right location in order for it to flourish. It’s no secret that both plants and butterflies enjoy soaking in the sun’s rays, so the optimal spot for a butterfly garden is in an area that receives a high amount of sunlight. But you’ll need to be careful when picking an area for the garden, as it should be located in an area that is out of the wind. After all, butterflies are delicate insects, and their large wings make them susceptible to heavy gusts. To make the butterfly garden complete, you should build a spot where they can sip moisture from the ground. There are plenty of ways to create a small artificial pond, such as by placing a shallow bowl in the ground and filling it with sand and water. Just make sure the water level is slightly below that of the sand, so there is no water covering the surface.
In Summary
There is no doubt that a butterfly garden is a great way to take your garden to the next level, and it can help to set your home apart from the other houses in the neighborhood. However, before you start tilling the soil for your new garden, you will need to keep some things in mind. First of all, it’s crucial that you put the proper planning into the garden. This means finding flowers that will provide a place for adult butterflies to feed, while at the same time allowing adequate coverage for caterpillars to survive. Next, you must plant a flower arrangement that will ensure that there are flowers in bloom all summer long.
If you are familiar with the blooming rates of different flower species then this is something you can do yourself, but if you have questions about the optimal flower arrangement for your butterfly garden give us a call, and we can help provide a solution. Lastly, finding a location that will be conducive to the growth of both the plants and butterflies is necessary. Since they both flourish in sunny conditions, the garden should be placed in an area that receives a lot of sunlight. When you are designing and planting your butterfly garden keep these tips in mind.
For start to finish garden planning in the New Jersey area, request an estimate or call Homeowners Hub at 1-844-HUB-7272.

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