There are few better ways to enjoy the warm summer months than by cooling down in the pool. Not only are pools a great place to spend time with family and friends, but they also promote exercise as well. If you are in the market for a pool and you are not sure which type will suit your needs, then look no further. In this article, we will discuss the three primary pool types, along with their benefits and drawbacks.
Fiberglass Pool
One of the most popular types of pools is the fiberglass pool. Fiberglass pools are typically delivered to the location in one single piece, so there is no need for construction. However, there are some models that do come as panels and these require some assembly.
The primary benefit of a fiberglass pool is the ease in which they can be maintained. The reason that they are easy to maintain is due in part to their non-porous construction. In fact, fiberglass pools are coated with a “gel coat” and this makes the surface extremely smooth. In addition to the low maintenance required by fiberglass pools, they are also very easy to install. Because the shell of the pool is fabricated off-site and then transported in one-piece to the desired location, this means that installation can be completed within a couple of days.
The only real disadvantage of a fiberglass pool is the fact that they cannot be customized for specific applications. This means that if you are considering a fiberglass pool, you will have to choose from an existing model and hope that it fits your situation.
Concrete Pool
Concrete pools have the distinction of being the most accommodating and customizable of all the different pool types. And while there are certain drawbacks to concrete pools, these are often outweighed by the benefits.
The foremost benefit in having a concrete pool installed is the ability to customize it to fit any situation. This means that you can determine both the size and the depth of the pool that you would like, and this makes it perfect for specialized applications. An added advantage of a concrete pool is the fact that it can be customized with features such as a ledge for tanning, custom tile work, and more. Furthermore, concrete pools are extremely durable and much less prone to damage compared to other pool types.
The construction of a custom concrete pool usually has a higher cost than other types of pools. After all, transporting and mixing thousands of pounds of concrete can be expensive, not to mention the time and labor that it takes to mold the pool and put on the finishing touches. Also, concrete pools have a porous surface which makes it more difficult to keep them clean.
Vinyl Lined Pool
Vinyl pools are typically constructed using pre-built panels which are then installed and fastened together on site. Once the panels are in place, a vinyl liner is used to cover the panels, providing a base to hold the water.
The nice thing about vinyl pools is their affordability. In fact, vinyl pools can be installed for significantly less than concrete and fiberglass pools, and these savings can run into the thousands of dollars. This makes vinyl lined pools a great money-saving option for families that have smaller budgets. Another pro in having a vinyl pool installed is the ability to customize the shape and size of the pool. While most vinyl pools are square by default, there are an array of other shaping options to choose from.
It is no secret that the major drawback with vinyl pools is the fact that the liners wear out, and thus, requiring replacing. In most cases, the liner inside a vinyl pool will last between 5 and 10 years if it has been properly cared for. This means that any added savings from the initial installation may be lost over the years as new liners are needed, along with other repairs and water costs. There are warranties available for vinyl liners, but they are usually not very straightforward and using the warranty can be problematic.
In Summary
As we have seen, there are three primary types of pools that are used in residential settings, and each brings with it its own set of advantages and drawbacks. If you are considering a fiberglass pool, you can rest assured that the installation process will be fast. However, you may be limited in design choices. Concrete pools, on the other hand, are very customizable, but the materials and labor costs may be significant compared to other options. If you are looking to save money, then a vinyl lined pool is the best option, although the liner will need to be replaced within a decade and this can cause costs to rise in the long run.
Whether you are considering a pool as a means of escaping the summer heat or you want to use it for exercise purposes, keep these tips in mind and you are sure to find one that meets your needs.

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