Roofing Services

Roofing issues can spring up as fast as a summer thunderstorm or winter snow squall. One day your roof looks fabulous, the next day your neighbors are bringing over shingles which wound up in their yard.


We know the panic-inducing questions that arise when you realize you need roofing help:

  1. How much money will this cost?
  2. How many days/weeks will this roofing repair take?
  3. Where do I look for help?

Whether you’re struggling with a leak or have discovered structural damage, Homeowners Hub provides top quality roofing services in Summit, West Orange, Livingston & Maplewood NJ. We partner with the best technicians to address and take care of your roofing needs.

When you become a member of HomeownersHub, panic-inducing roofing and home repair questions become a thing of the past. 

While you’re enjoying your day with friends and family, we take care of lining up a technician in Summit, Madison or your local area in Central New Jersey. We tell you who will be performing your service and when they will be arriving, and the best part is, your satisfaction is GUARANTEED!

Fees for estimate calls? Not an issue when you’re a Hubster. That’s right! The $29.95 trip charged is waived for each and every estimate call when you’re a member!

Are you ready to eliminate the stress of appliance repair, roofing, plumbing, electrical and other home maintenance issues from your life?